Plugin Registration Tool: Configuring Secure Configuration and Unsecure Configuration Settings

The Plugin Registration Tool’s ability to configure Secure and Unsecure Configuration settings provides a powerful and flexible mechanism to manage plugin behavior and settings. Leveraging these configurations enhances security, maintainability, and adaptability of your Dynamics 365 CE plugins, making it easier to manage and deploy across various environments with different requirements.

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform supports an optional plug-in constructor that can accept either one or two string parameters. By writing a constructor in this manner, we can pass any strings of information to the plug-in at runtime. 

Secure Configuration vs. Unsecure Configuration

Secure Configuration and Unsecure Configuration are ways to pass custom settings to plugin:

Unsecure Configuration: This data is stored in plain text and can be accessed by any user who has access to the plugin registration tool. It is suitable for non-sensitive data that does not require confidentiality.

Secure Configuration: This data is encrypted and stored securely in the system. It is only accessible to users with system administrator privileges. This is ideal for sensitive data such as passwords or API keys.

By using secure configuration for sensitive data and unsecure configuration for non-sensitive settings, we can ensure that your plugin development in Dynamics CRM maintains a balance between data security and flexibility.

General Benefits of Using Configuration Settings in Plugins

1. Decoupling Configuration from Code:
   - Maintainability: By separating configuration from the code, you make your plugins easier to maintain. Configuration changes can be made without modifying and redeploying the plugin code.
   - Reusability: The same plugin code can be reused across different environments or scenarios with different configurations.

2. Adaptability:
   - Environment-Specific Settings: Configuration settings can be tailored to different environments (development, testing, production) without altering the code, enhancing adaptability and reducing the risk of errors during deployment.
   - Dynamic Behavior: Plugins can alter their behavior based on configuration settings, making them more dynamic and versatile.

3. Performance:
   - Reduced Overhead: Configuring settings outside of the code can reduce the overhead of hardcoding values and recompiling code, leading to faster deployment cycles.
   - Efficiency: By updating configuration settings rather than redeploying plugins, you can achieve efficiency in managing and updating business logic.

4. Scalability:
   - Scalable Configuration Management: Both Secure and Unsecure Configuration settings provide scalable ways to manage configuration for multiple plugins and steps, allowing for more complex and robust business logic implementations.

5. Consistency:
   - Uniform Configuration Approach: Using the Plugin Registration Tool for configuration ensures a consistent approach to managing plugin settings, making it easier for teams to collaborate and manage plugins.


Using Secure and Unsecure Configuration settings in the Plugin Registration Tool provides a secure, flexible, and efficient way to manage configuration data for your plugins in Dynamics 365 CE. It helps decouple configuration from code, ensures data protection for sensitive information, and allows for environment-specific settings, ultimately leading to better maintainability, adaptability, and performance of your plugins.


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