PL 400 : register custom assemblies by using the Plug-in Registration Tool (Create a plug-in)

Being a cricket lover, let me explain, the plug-in registration tool is like a bat in the playground of plugin development. Without this tool, developers cannot use and take advantage of the plugin capabilities. In a cloud environment, this tool helps in registering custom assemblies, but also debugging plugin code. In other words, the Plug-in Registration Tool is an essential tool for the extensibility of the Microsoft Dataverse platform.

The Plugin Registration tool is used to register specific messages for the plug-in to run under the execution pipeline.

Developers can download here to Plugin Registration tool and register the plugin with below steps:

Double click on pluginRegistration.exe in the Dynamics 365 SDK folder.

Select Create new Connection

Because we are going to register on cloud, so we need to select Microsoft 365 and select the Show Advanced check box and enter the credentials and then Login.

Select Register and then select Register New Assembly

Select Browse

Browser to the Bin >Debug folder and select appropriate DLL and then select Open

Select Register Selected Plugin

Select OK


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