Plugin Registration Tool: Configuring Secure Configuration and Unsecure Configuration Settings
The Plugin Registration Tool’s ability to configure Secure and Unsecure Configuration settings provides a powerful and flexible mechanism to manage plugin behavior and settings. Leveraging these configurations enhances security, maintainability, and adaptability of your Dynamics 365 CE plugins, making it easier to manage and deploy across various environments with different requirements. The Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform supports an optional plug-in constructor that can accept either one or two string parameters. By writing a constructor in this manner, we can pass any strings of information to the plug-in at runtime. Secure Configuration vs. Unsecure Configuration Secure Configuration and Unsecure Configuration are ways to pass custom settings to plugin: Unsecure Configuration: This data is stored in plain text and can be accessed by any user who has access to the plugin registration tool. It is suitable for non-sensitive data that does not require confidentiality. Secure Conf...